Thursday, December 25, 2008

Winter night in 2008,

On a cold winter night in 2008,the backyard was quiet, and that‘s great.
The bird houses were hung in the trees with great care,
in hopes that our friends would stay warm again this year.
The birds were nestled all snug in their huts,
with visions of full feeders, even cracked nuts.
Mama in her nightgown, and I in my shorts,
had just settled our down to watch a show of some sort.
When out in the backyard, we heard the birds singing,
I jumped from the couch to see what was happening.
Away to the doorway I tripped and I stumbled,
threw open the door, and just started to mumble.
The moon on the KOI pond showed the new-fallen snow,
so bright was the lighted pathway, showing stepping stones aglow.
My eyes went to a statue, standing tall and so proud,when, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a chimenea with a warm fires glow.
On the limb of the hawthorn, a chickadee appeared,He was on a mission, there was no doubt.He whistled and screeched, then flew all about
"Now Cardinal! Now Swallow!
Now, Finch and Barn Owl!
Come Woodpecker! Come, Martin!
Come Blue Birds, come all!
To the feeders on the table!
To the feeders on the lawn!There are even sunflower seeds all over the ground!”
The birds were all singing and eating some thistle,While others at the pond were wetting their whistle,
When all the seed was gone they flew to their houses,Staying warm through the night they like their birdhouses.
Tomorrow I will feed them again, and all through the winter!Our birds are like family, we love them around.Singing and whistling their own unique sounds.Keep your friends feed, and treat them like family,Next year they’ll be back and you’ll be there envy!
"Warm Winter to all, and to all a good night!"

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